
Showing posts from February, 2019

Pre-enroll for my new clinic!

Volunteer for Your Good Health

My ministry is helping others.  From being an available mother, wife & part-time physician, to the community volunteer positions I hold, my life revolves around helping folks. How about you? I'm about to lay out the why's and how's of volunteerism in my own life and why it's good for your all-around health. I will also discuss healthy boundaries (particularly for women like myself) because a life bound to others is slavery, not service! Beginnings I'd like to say my days of volunteering started early. They did not. I was not that kid that put in hours of community service in high school to rack up goody-goody points for my college application. I thought those people were, well, disingenuous. Instead, my exposure to helping others started at home with my grandparents that lived across the street. I loved helping my grandparents and they loved me helping!  From carrying groceries to the house, to raking leaves, heaving heavy plants in and out of the bas