Welcome to my new place!

To start out, I needed some space.

There's not time in a 20 minute appointment, a quick phone conversation or e-mail to say what all I need to say. I've got new ideas cooking, opinions to voice and needed a space where I can keep folks informed on what I deem IMPORTANT. So, I've turned to the virtual world to give myself some extra room.

The world seems bigger already.

Let's get down to business. There are a couple of disclaimers here I need you to read before you enter this site. I've been trained to practice defensive medicine, so here goes...

What this is NOT: This is not on-line doctoring, an on-line clinic or medical advice. If you have a medical condition, get thee to a physician, pronto. There's no substitute for a good old history and physical. I cannot give those services on a blog. For more information, visit my official disclaimer here.

What this IS: My personal clearinghouse of ideas.
Medicine changes daily, with new discoveries, theories, policies, modalities and treatments. Some I like, some I loathe; some I accept, others I reject. This is just my 2 cent's worth, not Gospel Truth. Please treat it as such.

NOW, on to navigation.

In the main body of the blog, I'll post occasionally about what's on my mind. You'll be surprised what comes across it on a regular basis. I just hope my "Dr. Lydia Online" seal of approval will help you see the value in what I see and how I see it.

To the sides, I'll post links to sites I've visited and give you some commentary on what I think about it. Maybe it will help you decide what you think about it too.

Finally, I'd like to put some links to action items for you and me. The World Wide Web has the power to get people together like never before. Let's leverage our power and make change happen!

Thanks for visiting. Come back often!

Dr. Lydia


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