Give yourself a break!

Women, I'm talking to you: Why do we push ourselves beyond the breaking point during the Christmas season?

Take a minute and let that sink in...


Didn't Jesus come to us lowly, born in a SAVE us? Eh?

So I ask you again, Ladies: Why do we push ourselves beyond the breaking point during the Christmas season? 

I have already seen casualties of the Holiday Rush in my office. Broken women, weeping, acutely ill with "The Crud" and about to throw out Baby Jesus with the bathwater of all of the stress of the holidays!

This breaks my heart.

Being the eternal problem-solver, I've created a bit of a weekly Prescription for you to beat back the Holiday Rush. You'll find it in the right column over here at the top. I'm calling it "Titrated Doses of Meaningful Change." It is immediate self-care, and through the year it will be a blueprint for helping you to make meaningful changes that will yield great dividends in your overall health.

Peace be with you and take care of yourself!


Dr. Lydia


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