
Showing posts from April, 2019

Boost Your Health with Intermittent Fasting

This post is a follow up from my previous "Intro To Keto" that has generated a lot of views. There are many of you who have tried ketogenic diet with a lot of success in losing weight and gaining control of insulin resistance, inflammation, and even Type 2 Diabetes. Kudos to your efforts and improved health! The key to healing often comes from within! To keep you moving along the keto-adaptation continuum, we need to discuss intermittent fasting . Remember that fasting is what a keto diet mimicks, so actually resting the gut with extended hours of no eating will accentuate your efforts and get you over humps to weight loss or blood sugar control. Disclaimer: Those who shouldn't fast except under the close supervision of a physician are the following people: 1. Pregnant or nursing mothers 2. Diabetic patients 3. Infants and Children 4. Those people who have suffered from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulemia Fasting defined In biochemistry, the first l

This Blog Is Moving!

To consolidate my efforts, I am moving future posts to my new website Please join me there for the latest tips, musings and updates! See you there! Dr. Lydia

Growing Up To Be A Big Doctor

I've commented on more than one occasion that this transition into private practice feels like I'm growing up and becoming a Big Doctor. Let me explain. In employment, doctors are KEPT from knowing what things cost. No one wants to bother our pretty little heads with the details. If you ask questions, you get blank stares. If you ask for something that's not the status quo, the answer is "no." They discourage you from doing things that are good for patient care and satisfaction because they "don't reimburse well." This is the way of corporations and this is the reason why your doctor cannot fully help you or even be empathetic to your financial needs. Their hands are tied and they are just plain ignorant. Ownership is the way to physician maturity. We need a generation of fully matured physicians who are thinkers and not just doers if we are going to turn healthcare around in this country in an American (and not Socialist) manner. In establis