
Is Testosterone Therapy Right For You? Part 2: Men

Brain fog. Lack of motivation. Weight gain and/or inability to build muscle with exercise. Loss of desire for sex. Fatigue. These are the dogging symptoms of low testosterone in men. The cause is often very different from the natural decline in sex steroid secretion experienced by women and ending in menopause. There is no true "andropause" (complete loss of testicular function), but the amount of testosterone secreted by the male testes can be blunted by many of the diseases of modern civilization. Here's a brief review of the different causes of low T for men: If you are obese, particularly in your abdomen, you likely have low testosterone. If you are insulin resistant or frankly type 2 diabetic, you are at even higher risk for low testosterone or even a thyroid disorder. If you have sleep apnea your risk of low testosterone is even higher. The scary reality is that these risk factors are present in younger and younger aged males and are affecting the fertility rat

Is Hormone Replacement Right for You Part 1: Women

Have you been feeling like all of the energy is sapped out of you? No interest in sex? Workouts lacking? Put on a few -- ahem-- pounds you can't seem to shed? If you're a woman aged 35 + and hearing me read your mind, hormone replacement may be just what the doctor ordered! Did you know that ovarian function peaks out at age 25? Yep. That's the height of your fertility. Every year after that sees a steady decline of ovarian function, with decline being accentuated at 5 year intervals until you're finally done with your periods in your early 50s. One of the hormones you may lack first is actually testosterone. That "man hormone" is made in the ovary and is intimately connected to your musculoskeletal health and sex drive. Women only make about 10% of what men do, but when it's gone or low, you'll start to experience chronic, nagging fatigue, low physical endurance, loss of muscle strength and volume as well as a low desire for sex. Low testosteron

Boost Your Health with Intermittent Fasting

This post is a follow up from my previous "Intro To Keto" that has generated a lot of views. There are many of you who have tried ketogenic diet with a lot of success in losing weight and gaining control of insulin resistance, inflammation, and even Type 2 Diabetes. Kudos to your efforts and improved health! The key to healing often comes from within! To keep you moving along the keto-adaptation continuum, we need to discuss intermittent fasting . Remember that fasting is what a keto diet mimicks, so actually resting the gut with extended hours of no eating will accentuate your efforts and get you over humps to weight loss or blood sugar control. Disclaimer: Those who shouldn't fast except under the close supervision of a physician are the following people: 1. Pregnant or nursing mothers 2. Diabetic patients 3. Infants and Children 4. Those people who have suffered from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulemia Fasting defined In biochemistry, the first l

This Blog Is Moving!

To consolidate my efforts, I am moving future posts to my new website Please join me there for the latest tips, musings and updates! See you there! Dr. Lydia

Growing Up To Be A Big Doctor

I've commented on more than one occasion that this transition into private practice feels like I'm growing up and becoming a Big Doctor. Let me explain. In employment, doctors are KEPT from knowing what things cost. No one wants to bother our pretty little heads with the details. If you ask questions, you get blank stares. If you ask for something that's not the status quo, the answer is "no." They discourage you from doing things that are good for patient care and satisfaction because they "don't reimburse well." This is the way of corporations and this is the reason why your doctor cannot fully help you or even be empathetic to your financial needs. Their hands are tied and they are just plain ignorant. Ownership is the way to physician maturity. We need a generation of fully matured physicians who are thinkers and not just doers if we are going to turn healthcare around in this country in an American (and not Socialist) manner. In establis

New Life through Natural Family Planning

Spring is in the air, and you know what that means: new life! Babies are everywhere in nature during spring, which reminds me of one my favorite special services as a doctor: Helping couples get pregnant! Now, I am not a fertility expert, but I do know how to tell if a woman is ovulating and if they're "good" ones or not. I also have the knowledge to do a good initial work-up for infertility and what to do on a primary care level to alleviate the most common treatable causes of subfertility. How do I have such a superpower as a physician without being a fertility specialist? Natural. Family. Planning. I have been trained as a Billings Ovulation Method teacher. I've incorporated BOM into my practice for 12 years now. Prior to that, my husband and I were trained in personal use of the Creighton Method , which we used to get pregnant with our first child and helped us see clearly when we failed to get pregnant again. Sadly, most women disdain their fertility a

New Practice Alert!

It's official! On April 15, 2019 I will open my new clinic, Vibrant Life Direct Care PLLC .  Located at 501 North Mustang Road, Suite B in Mustang. Follow the link on the previous post to pre-enroll ! Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me and continue to encourage me along this path! God has opened up the way before me and I am simply walking in it. There are lots of little steps to take to make this a reality. The first is to make this announcement and create some excitement around it. Would you share this on Facebook for me? Would you tell your friends and family? Who would benefit from my new practice style? Everyone!! I am still seeing all ages, men, women & children, teens, sick and well. The only difference is that I will no longer be a contracted physician for any medical insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. If you have these forms of health coverage, there are a few careful considerations for my new practice: 1. Medicare/Medicaid : you cannot take